Service quality assurance: An effective way to strengthen B2C relationships

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperpeer-review


The concept of “Customer Service” has generally been seen by providers as service recovery when failures occur. Research in the telecommunications market in Bangladesh found that customers in business-to-customer relationships (B2C) expect more than this narrow technical definition of “Service Recovery.” They key word in this new concept is “quality”. Customers expect (“dream”) that the services they pay for will be world-class and error-free. They want value for the money they spend. This is the expectation of any customer in a B2C relationship. A research study of customers in Bangladesh confirmed these expectations. It was found that customers will be very happy and satisfied if their service provider can assure high service quality and they (both existing and potential customers) would consider this as adding value for money.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 26 Feb 2016
Event2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research - Hotel Grand Chancellor, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 27 Feb 201628 Feb 2016


Conference2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research
Abbreviated titleAPCAR-2016
Internet address


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