How can action research be used to change an organisation towards a market orientation

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Organizations need to be market-oriented to survive and perform well in today’s turbulent markets. Previous research has explored the concept of a market orientation and its links to performance and measurability. However, many practitioners still encounter difficulties interpreting it and implementing it in their organizations. This article aims to explore the use of an action research methodology to change an organization towards a market orientation. Data was collected using an innovative two-stage action research project involving 34 senior managers over four years in the regional operating division of a national government business enterprise (GBE), significant to the economy. Findings reveal that the use of action research is an appropriate methodology because it can be used to identify and increase dissatisfaction with the status quo, and helps to establish a market orientation because the methodology is consistent with the conditions necessary to support a market orientation; however, its use needs to be sustained over the long-term to overcome resistance. An in-depth view of using action research is provided with important implications for practitioners using it to implement a market orientation in other GBEs as well as private business enterprises.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)58-94
Number of pages36
JournalGibaran Journal of Applied Management
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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