Ethics in Marketing

Sumesh Nair, Diane Kalendra, Tareq Rasul, Wagner Junior Ladeira, Fernando De Oliveira Santini

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter aims to introduce the concept of ethical marketing, highlight its importance, and discuss the key frameworks and theories used in ethical marketing decision-making. The significance of marketing ethics cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts a business's reputation and success. Since 1967, when Robert Bartels published a groundbreaking article in the Journal of Marketing, the field has witnessed significant practical and theoretical advancements. Subsequently, numerous ethical decision-making models and theories have emerged, including Hunt and Vitell's General Theory of Marketing Ethics. Companies like Patagonia serve as examples of organizations that prioritize marketing ethics. Despite the progress made in both theory and practice, there is still room for further development of ethics in the field of marketing.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationReference Module in Social Sciences
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024

Publication series

NameReference Module in Social Sciences


  • Marketing Ethics
  • Ethics in Business
  • Marketing Ethics Models
  • Ethical Theories and Frameworks
  • Patagonia
  • Ethical decision-making
  • Deontological perspective
  • Teleological Perspective
  • The General Theory of Marketing Ethics
  • AMA Statement of Ethics
  • Positive and Normative Ethics


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