Emerging trends to enhance agritourism promotion

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationAIB Review - scholarly output

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Agritourism is a commercial enterprise amalgamating agricultural production and processing activities with tourism for the purpose of entertainment and recreation of the tourists. This can take the form of visiting a working farm for educational or recreation purposes and or hosting opportunities such as events, festivals, direct marketing, experiential learning, and/or overnight visits (Vaugeois, Bence & Romanova 2017). The global agritourism market size was valued at $69.24 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach $117.37 billion by 2027. Yet, a current challenging economic environment including high inflation and the spike in oil prices, aggravated by the war in Ukraine, continues to be the main factor weighing on the agritourism recovery in 2022 (UNWTO, 2022).
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationAIB Review
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2022


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