Advancing the Community of Inquiry upon Experience (CoI-E) Framework in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationAIB Review - scholarly output

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In the previous edition of the AIB Review (Edition 10), the authors presented the concept of an Inquiry upon Experience (CoI-E) Framework. The paper highlighted a criticism of conventional management education by Henry Mintzberg and suggested promoting management education through real-world experience. Mintzberg proposed a model based on the five mindsets of a manager as a foundation to achieve this goal. Online management education platforms offer managers the opportunity to share their experiences in live settings while continuing to work. By integrating cognitive, social and teaching presence in online management education, CoI-E combines the experiential aspects of management learning with the five mindsets of managers.

The aim of this article is to broaden the scope of our proposed framework by delving into five managerial mindsets that are pertinent, considering new generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools. Through insightful contributions from our colleagues at the Australian Institute of Business (AIB) and incorporating fresh perspectives from ongoing academic debates, we have acquired invaluable insights. We aim to integrate these transformative ideas into our existing framework, creating a more comprehensive model. Ultimately, this enhanced framework will better equip us to deliver top-quality management education to our students, who represent the future leaders of organisations.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationAIB Review
Publication statusPublished - 21 Dec 2023


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