Adaptation and Validation of the Tromoso Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS): A Study of Indian Working Professionals

Shilpa Jain, Bhavna Bajaj

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Despite an intuitive agreement among researchers regarding the importance of Social Intelligence in the modern workplace, research in this regard has been sporadic and inconclusive. The current work addresses this through four separate studies. Study 1 (n = 207) tests the psychometric properties of TSIS in the Indian population and puts forth a shortened (10 item) version (α =.90) while Study 2 (n= 299) establishes the convergent validity of this instrument. In Study 3 (n=317), Social Intelligence scores of Indian executives are linked to supervisor ratings of their workplace, performance providing evidence of linkage between Social Intelligence and employee performance; Study 4 (n=482) demonstrates that Social Intelligence varies significantly among High and Low performers. The results demonstrate that Social Intelligence positively and significantly impacts specific aspects of employee performance. The current work provides evidence of the impact of Social Intelligence in organizational contexts and provides a reliable instrument for the measurement of the same.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPsychology and Education
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 18 Feb 2022


  • Emotional -Social Intelligence
  • Employee Performance
  • Social Intelligence
  • TSIS Validation Studies
  • Indian employees.


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